Wednesday, December 3, 2008

it's about time I posted!

I'm shocked that it has been at least 6 months since i posted anything here... Lots has happened of course - Sebastien has broken his left arm (don't ask how it is going with him "not allowed" to do any sports), Lucy has learnt a lot of letters, Megane has been in the school musical, Megane and Sebas have had their piano recital (and it went very well) and this weekend the kids are in the Pugeot Armstrong Festival of Cycyling at 12am Saturday and then at 1pm the girls have to be at the town hall for their first performance of the end of year Dance Recital. I've been working and trying to keep up with the kids. The corriander I planted is now big enough to eat. Oh and the chickens have been rehomed with a family that is battling breast cancer and are trying to be all organic, free-range, dairy-free, wheat-free. We will get more as soon as the grass has regrown in their play area.
Aside from that we are excited for Sebastien to turn 8 in a couple of weeks. He gets baptised on the 21st December, and then we will have a lovely relaxing summer since Dom is taking a month off work :) i couldn't think of a better Crhistmas present! I'll post photos soon xxx

Saturday, July 12, 2008

the girls

i had a very hard time getting these two to sit still long enough to take a decent photo... hence the eyes are shut most of the time. They are supposed to be sleeping right now but they are yahooing and jumping on the beds. Dom has washed his hands of them so Shannon and I are supposed to be sorting it out. Ho Hum.
Sebastien and William are having just as much fun in their room. Don't ask me how they are doing it but they are all asleep at 10pm and up by 5.30am! Oh well, only a few more days and then they can all go to bed at a decent hour again.

the Goods are here from Auckland!

The pictures are not loading up all in one lump today... so in episode one we have Lucy and Lizzie decorating Sebastien's hair... please note he is managing to ignore them completely... And Megane in her NZ snowboots and gloves (ie. plastic supermarket bags) playing in the snow the other day. Don't you love her snowman???

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Megane's 10th birthday

Oh such a beautiful child... Megane turns 10
Here are all the friends at the gypsy party... Dad turned up with helium balloons for everyone - the kids were stunned and sooooo happy
I went in to tuck Lucy in last night and this is how i found her...
Dad at Megane's Birthday Family Dinner

the girls today (Lily is saying "I want the sunglasses")

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ice, snow and airports!

this picture was taken when Dom took Megane to High School Musical on Ice - they had sooooo much fun and now Megane wants to be an ice skater (again).
On Saturday night we had snow! it froze overnight so the poor kids couldn't make a snowman the next day but they sure enjoyed playing outside in it (in their slippers!!!)

Dad visited Lucy's pre-school with his fire engine. She loved it!

I straightened Lucy's hair the other day because Lily (her fashionista friend) wanted me to do her hair... I have to say, i'd swap anything to get Lucy's hair (Lucy is the pale blonde one)

Later that day we went to the airport to say goodbye to Aunty JJ. She is now in Argentina having a fine time i'm sure! Can you pic who is Daddy's little girl?? (and i don't mean Lucy and Papa) Dad looks most upset to see her go!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sebastien the Tackler

Here are a couple of pictures of Sebastien last week. As you can see he is going in with his shoulder and he does not aim at their legs (like most of the other boys on his team). He has been taught (by the huge samoan boys at church) to put your shoulder in their softest spot (their stomach) and then wrap your arms around their body and pull down. If they manage to keep running... you just hang on and eventually you'll be hugging their ankles and they won't be able to run any further. Sebastien is the one with the green and yellow (Belfast colours, NOT Australia!!!) headgear.


We we survived the Sitton's leaving... just. A few days later we went to a fireside where Elder Oaks was speaking and it was NOT THE SAME to be in a pew by ourselves. Sniff.
Jessica is visiting from Australia with her partner, Martin (the Silver Fox). They have been travelling around seeing the sights and were rear-ended in town the other night and our car is totalled. Eeek. Thankfully no one was hurt.
Sebastien is having a great season at rugby. He is awesome at tackling and has got a few really nice trys. Lucy is happy at Kindy and and on Wednesdays she plays with Lily - she really couldn't ask for more! Her mania for puzzles and reading books is still going strong. Megane is really busy at school and is learning to play Green Sleeves on the piano (her favourite song). Dom and I have been busy in our spare time getting projects finished around the house. I've done a bunch of Spring Cleaning (in winter) and Dom has finally got the clothes dryer in the laundry cupboard in the kitchen - yahoo! No more frosty trips out to the garage to get clean socks for school! Dad is going to England in August so if anyone knows a place he can stay for a few days in Liverpool/St Helens please let me know.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Grandma & Grandpa Sitton go home on the 19th :(

It hasn't been happy-happy-joy-joy around here for about a fortnight. The Sittons go home on the 19th May (sob), we've had gastro for a week and THE WEATHER! We are now getting frost almost every morning (but it is gone by 9am). The kids are now back at school after a really fun holiday. We went on Girls Camp and just hung out at home. I'll put up some pictures soon. I went to my friend Si'i's wedding last week - it was beautiful. Right, back to lying down to recover xx

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tomorrow is Friday...

phew. i am so glad this week is almost over. it has been SO LONG because of my stupid cold that won't go away... at least I haven't had to teach French this week and the kids piano lesson was cancelled :) Earlier this week we had some friends over for dinner (please see cute picture of Lucy being all happy to play Dominos with Grandma, and Grandma), and last night i hosted a bridal shower for my sweet friend Si'i, which was a lot of fun. Today I got some cute pictures of Lucy at Kindy with "Ted" (real name: Josh). They showed me their dinasaur tummies. Dom is still working on his computer programme - tonight will be another 2am finish i think - somehow this programme has totally blown out his "expected hours" thingie. Anyway TOMORROW IS FRIDAY and i should only have one more week before the Physio gives me the OK to go running again. YAHOO.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Team photo and after the game

Sebastien's rugby game

Sebastien had his first game for the season... he was great on defense and was in support all the time. Dom took a few pictures for your viewing pleasure!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dad was just here...

well well, Dad was just here so I could cut his hair and I showed him this web site thingie and he WENT OFF about the Olympics survey. Let me just say he is not for boycotting. In fact, he is not for any kind of anything I don't think. Basically he said that the Tibetians are now trying to kidnap all the athletes (hence they are the bad guys??) and boycotting would not hurt China any... and if boycotting is to stop China from getting money (you know, by tourists and all) then why don't we boycott all things India (who don't have a great record for looking after their citizens) and for that matter NZ because we don't agree with everything the Govt. says or does. Facinating. It was so pinkity-apricot and well, DAD. Chuck you should have been here.

About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!