Sunday, January 30, 2011

They had a great day at school!

They had a great first day :) Sebastien got elected to School Council and Lucy got given a lollipop and a piece of chocolate (this is what she told me was the highlight of the day). Meg said that at morning tea time she went to check up on Lucy and Lucy ran past her and said "Just leave me! I"M FINE!". Sebastien however was a bit stressed as we forgot to take his sunhat so he had to stay inside at lunch...
I was really relieved to see them after school. I had to leave before the bell rang this morning but Dom stayed with them to settle them in. I called him after about 10 minutes and he was going to *leave and go to work*!! I told he had to stay until the bell in case they got nervous or shy and needed comforting and he snorted and said "no way, they are outside somewhere playing so I'm out of here." So much for A Mother's Love!!! And before some of you ask, no I did not call the office this time, I went cold turkey the whole day, and just kinda left my own school early so I could check up on them before they finished school for the day. Progress from last year!!
As you can see, Dad came over before work to wish them luck. (They love him soooo much)


Traci said...

What little darlings in their uniforms. You know we don't have those here unless you are rich and go to the private schools. I wish we did. Here's to a great year and are families getting older! Sigh!

Suzy said...

yes well all our schools have uniforms but... they are now at private school for which you do have to be rich, or you do like us and pay an entire salary to go there!!! I just started working full-time (well, school hours) this year and I love love love my job. I am still teaching French but I am also Academic Dean for the Year 11-13 students. Last year I sat home all sad and lonely waiting for the kids to come home from school and I coudn't take it anymore. Now I get home before they get off the bus :)

About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!