Thursday, December 1, 2011

House/land news

Well actually, don't get your hopes up. It is "news" of the totally unconfirmed variety - but we are used to that here.
EQC - we are still waiting for our house/land to be inspected after the Feb earthquake. They are "in our area" and should "visit soon." Same thing we have been hearing for months.
Insurance company - we have to wait for the Govt. department to publish the results of some tests on the land. Basically we are now in the "blue zone", which means they have to do land tests for EVERY house... and then the land will either be red zoned (you can't live/build on it) or they can put piles deep enough to make a house secure so the house will be rebuilt. The govt. is not publishing any results until at least next Feb. Then, everyone that is waiting will have to have a "scope of works" done on their house/land (by a company set up by the govt.), and then the insurance will come to us with a decision/offer.

That sure clears it up, not. Meanwhile, Dom and I have moved our bedroom into the living room (lovely red velvet curtains seperating us from the dining room) so that we don't have to sleep next to the biggest cracks and walls tearing apart. We will need to get the electrics redone so that the lights in the house work again (I'm soooooo over lamps), and Dom has sanded down a few windows so this summer I can have a bit of a breeze in the house. We also now have the French doors opening (don't look too closely because they now don't close properly due to the repair work) and while the front door can open, it cannot lock, so we have had to jimmy it shut. Sigh. For a moment there I thought I was going to be able to use it.

But, life is good. I am not complaining.

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About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!