Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ahhhhhhhh, and thar she blows

We are moving on.
Dominic is currently plane-ing the bottoms off all our doors so that they "shut." We can't wait 3 years to have doors that close so drastic measures are being taken. So when you come over and see 1 inch gaps at the tops and bottoms of our (cowboy) doors, don't say anything. We've had 6 months with the doors like this and I guess Dom has decided NO MORE.
Also, I think we might have water again! I experimented with the cold tap this morning and there was enough water coming out that I am giving our dishwasher a trial run (on 70C to clean out the mould that has grown over the last 2 weeks... vile). If that works then my next step is the *washing machine*!!! Happy days!
Can you imagine, electricity, water, doors that shut and we can now safely park in the garage! I'm giddy with excitement. We are also on the list for a chemical toilet - which should come sometime next week.

Any suggestions about what we can do with the windows and external doors that are jammed shut with the weight of the house? I'm not complaining because we do have a sliding ranch door we can use but... if this can be worked on I want to do it.


staciclaus said...

All I can say is you are one resilient woman.

Suzy said...

No I'm not. I'm coping... And I might have a break down sometime soon since I just put the kids on a plane to Auckland for a week - so brace yourself for wailing! Believe me if you had gone 12 days with no water and then got it on (even though it still has to be boiled) you'd be happy (relatively speaking) too :) Now give me a toilet and I might even get over not having the kids to snuggle for a week!

About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!