Friday, March 4, 2011

So is Lucy...

We just went for a run (bliss in a totally torturous way) and afterwards Lucy and I were sat down and shared a bottle of water while we watched Sebastien on the bike jumps at the park. We saw a man walk past with a baby in a pram and Lucy said "The Mum isn't with him because she is dead. She was crushed." (Gulp) I said "Don't you think she might be home vacuuming or making lunch? Or maybe she asked the Dad to take the baby for a walk so it could go to sleep without crying?" "No Mum, she's dead. She is crushed." Which led to a conversation about what we will die from... Apparently I won't die until after I've been a Granny and then I will just die. I won't be crushed or anything. My poor father and sister Sam will both die from "coffee." I tried to explain that you don't die from coffee, but she won't believe me. Everyone dies from coffee, cigarettes or cancer. Or crushing.

Oh, and it turns out that Megane and Sebastien were adopted. I picked them up from the "child care place where babies wait until someone comes to get them" because "their real parents died of cancer." I don't remember any of this "because you were in the 40s... no, the 20s Mum." What is more, they died from cancer because of cigarettes and "that is why Megane and Bastien are sometimes silly. The cigarettes make you silly."

What the heck??????

She is quite serious when she talks about this (she broke the news to Megane and Sebastien that they were adopted last week), and she is positive that she is the only one I gave birth to. I have no idea what is going on in her head but I won't worry yet. Surely this is a stage kid go through. No???


Unknown said...

Very comical...She along with many of us is making sense of all this the best way she knows how, and when you read what you have said, she's got a fantastic thought process happening, I love it :-) At this time Suz, the best thing you can do is be strong yourself, even if you are anxious or worried etc, try not to let any of the children gain any access to those type of emotions ('fake it to you make' it, is what comes to mind). Children feed of the adults around them, not only by the verbal communication but also through the subtleties of every day life. Try not to convince her that she is wrong, try instead play her game but use your wisdom and knowledge of her to steer on the path that you know is logical and rational...Just have fun with her and she and you will get through this stuff. I know that might sound easy in practice, but its all I can offer just now and it actually works! Good luck :-)

A Girl Called Chuck said...

Yowza. Makes me sad that somehow her innocent childhood is over. Now she knows for sure that bad things can and do happen. Such a harsh realization.

I'm glad you get to be a Granny though. I think you'll really enjoy that. And it doesn't sound like you suffer much so that's good.

staciclaus said...

I was sad like Chuck until I learned that we'll all die of one of the big C's: cigarettes, crushing, cancer or coffee. I take solace knowing that everything else is not fatal. :)

Suzy said...

Very good point Styci!! Bring on all those other bad habits that people worry about!!!!

About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!