Sunday, December 5, 2010

The amazing Yr 13s at our school....

I really hope the Yr 13s from my school don't mind me putting them on here... but they deserve credit and praise for the AMAZING lunch they made for the teaching staff at school today. This picture was taken at the end so you don't get the full effect of the fact that we ate by candlelight (we put the lights on to take this phot0) and had the most beautiful table settings (vintage theme with roses, silver, crystal and rose petals) and the food....... I can't tell you when i have had better at a restaurant. The pictures are all out of order, but too bad.
Dessert: Dreamy chocolate tart with vanilla icecream and rose berry compote (those are pomegranates you can see with the strawberries and the cherries)....

Main: Herb encrusted lemon chicken with potato gratin, served with roasted vegetables (the mushroom was so good I was tempted to steal one of the person next to me), and the asparagus....

I've eaten half of this, but: Palate Cleanser: Selection of melon with raspberry coulis

Entree: Selection of canapes; basil pesto & cherry tomato tartlets (TO DIE FOR!), seared beef and roasted capiscum crostini, bacon and capsicum bundles - this would have been enough.... it sure set a very high standard for what was to come.

My place setting... I should have got a close up of the pretty silver fleur de lisse napkin rings and all the other roses around the room. You can't really see it but there are also rose petals on the tables, and the table linen was beautiful and the serviettes had really pretty edging.

I wish I ate like this more often... I am so full however that I think I will never eat again.

These beautiful floating pompoms were made by the students and were claimed by the teachers! Everyone wanted to take one home :)
If any of my students have cyber stalked me and are reading this.... merci beaucoup


Traci said...

That food was beautiful! I hope it tasted just as amazing....and those pom poms, how did they do it? Chloe would love those in her room, maybe I could surprise her for Christmas....

Traci said...

ha just googled it and found a you tube! Woo hoo, now I just have to find the time!

About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!