Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ground Control to Major Tom, Funky to Funky....

Car 2 to Car 1 - missing you badly. Over. Here are some photos to mop up.... Dom-a-knocker (in Jessica's jewellery studio)
She mucked around for 5 minutes trying to not squint into the sun and then I got bored. So sue me. I can't stand around in the rain forever...

Jessica's AMAZING christmas tree.... she, very smartly might I add, kept it at work at The Strand so it didn't clutter up the apartment - which is very palacial but we need the space for the Vintage Gems...

Bats (aka Flying Foxes) at the Botanical Gardens. How odd that they picked the one tree that looked DEAD.

A couple of dirty ol' Ibis birds that will eat the food out of your hand if you don't watch out...

Yet another filthy old Ibis bird messing up the scenery.... (I actually quite like them, secretly....... very secretly.....)

Here we are at Dumpling King (aka Yee King North China Handmade Noodles) where the food is great and the reciept was in Chinese.
We are now at home and Dom is "making" lebanese bread sandwiches... which are gritty, too salty, cold and the bread is mouldy. Such is life when Dom is in the kitchen. I am abstaining for the obvious reasons. Love ya Dom. (Jess is laughing sayiing "poor Dom... but it was kind of not-great"

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About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!