Thursday, December 9, 2010

My little Flopsy-Bunny....

Last night at Prizegiving my little Flopsy-Bunny performed in the Kapahaka group, got certificates for stuff and in the announcements for special positions next year she was made a Prefect, Deputy Head Librarian and Head Chorister. My baby! It was in Christs College auditiorium and Seb was so excited to be in there... He can't wait to be a student there (3 years and counting) because they have an ice hockey team, indoor swimming pool and "lots of other sports stuff". They also have the highest fees in NZ but hey, that's not his worry! :)

1 comment:

A Girl Called Chuck said...

Way to go mags. Aunty Chuck is proud. Congratulations!!!!

About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!