Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Chinese Themed Day

What a day! We got ready and headed out to do something from my bucket list - see the terracotta soldiers from the First Emperor's buried city. There is a travelling exhibit here in Sydney for 3 months. Sigh, dream come true. The NSW Art Gallery was amazing enough by itself, but this was a real treat. Of course we had to wait in line for 45 minutes to see it, but we didn't mind. On the way to the exhibit we went to Circular Quay to take a picture of the Opera House for Chuck, and then wandered thru the Botanic Gardens. Let me just say that Jessica doesn't like "dirty old Ibis birds" AT ALL... I got lots of pictures of them but I won't put them up in the same post as Jessica :) After the soldiers we headed over to China Town to have dumplings for dinner at Jess' favourite restaurant. Even Lucy ate them :) It was a great day and now we are going to relax before we start our trip back to Brisbane tomorrow. Sebassy giving "side cuddles to Aunty JJ" on the way back to Central train station
Shopping in China Town for a paper fish like the ones in our restaurant... no luck if you can believe it. All this Chineseana and no paper fish!

Chuck, your wish is my command! Beloved family members in front of the Sydney Opera House (Harbour Bridge to the left... check the photo of Sebas and the busker to see it)

This guy was amazing... I want to take up playing the didgeridoo.

Do I look happy? I was... I've wanted to see these for years. I was tempted to buy this statue for $2000 but sadly it would never have fit in our luggage.

1 comment:

A Girl Called Chuck said...

Waaaa! You are reminding me that before Sydney, this exhibit was in DC, at National Geographic (4 blocks from where I live) for like 6 months and I NEVER went. despite wanting to. I'm an idiot!

Did go to a fantastic Norman Rockwell exhibit at the Smithsonian yesterday though, but I cannot believe I missed the terracotta soldiers.

About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!