Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Merry Christmas folks!
My new friend the kangaroo

Seb, Dom and Megane
Lucy's favourite ride

Dom and Seb are on here.... it is called Wipeout and you go up down and round about! If you enlarge the pics you will see them - Seb has a white top on and they are about 1/3 of the way in, on the left...

Can you see them? Here they are about to plunge to certain death (but actually they didn't...)

Phew, my boys are alive!

Lucy and Dom, Seb and Meg... as you can imagine Seb loved this ride!

Okay fine, it was pure torture for me cos I can't stand fun and heat and rides... but the kids will never know that. Dom and Seb went mad on the scary rides, Meg tagged along with them occasionally and Lucy and I went hog-wild in Wiggles World for hours. Sigh. Lucky lucky me. I have to admit that I really liked the kangaroos xxx

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About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!