Monday, December 27, 2010

Sydney with Jess

Jessica works in here... We don't know who the girl is beside us - she is just there for visual effect....
Yes yes yes, why is Jessica in JEANS in Sydney at Christmas when it is 34C and super humid? Well she is a little crazy... enough said. Here are the girls "talking about wishes" in the Camperdown Cemetery on Boxing Day.

Well........ someone looks good here! And you can see the glorious velvet wallpaper. If you are looking for amazing custom made (handmade) jewellery go to The Rox in The Strand and see Jess or Phil.
Meg loves frangapani so when we were at government house and she found some frangapani trees she went a little mad... we wore them all day and they still smelt amazing by bedtime.

Bye Tom.... this is before his marathon train trip (15 hours) up to Brisbane. Oh yes, not loving the idea but going anyway. Welcome back from Brazil.


A Girl Called Chuck said...

I'm not sure how I feel about you picking flowers, but they sure are gorgeous and I love the head shot.

Where are the obligatory bridge/opera house/botanical gardens photos? Practically required for any Sydney trip?

As for the shoes, I'm more concerned that you only brought her one outfit and she has to wear the same dress every day.

staciclaus said...

I love the flower pic, too! And I'm sure I've commented on your blog more than once, for the record.

Suzy said...

we were not picking those flowers!!! they were all over the ground. and ummm the dress... well yes she only has one here in aussie, but she loves it. we are looking for more, don't worry about that xxx

About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!