Friday, December 17, 2010

Havin a bonza tyme a'reddy

When we were due to land in Brisbane they were having such massive electrical storms that we had to circle around for ages, but we did eventually land (before you ask, it was sunny and beautiful above the clouds) but they had had hailstones the size of baseballs and LIGHTENING! Because of our 117kg of luggage we elected to get the train to Sam's house to save her having to get two cars to the airport. Well. Picture us with the 3 excited kids, 5 enormous suitcases, 5 carryons, rain like a bad day on The Coast, lightening as bright as noon day (with explosions that sound like a gun going on and people scream and jump every time...) on the *peak hour* train system - that is a total shambles because the trains were all disrupted by the weather... it was fun times, especially when some of the suitcases tried to fall apart on us... I was laughing most of the way! Oh and add that to people asking us every step of the way how bad it was in Christchurch after all the earthquakes... Anyway, the traffic lights were down so Sam and Jack were somewhat late to pick us up so we sheltered under a bridge for a while with our eyes wide open for man-eating scorpions, blackadder snakes and fanged spiders. Gotta love holidays with Dom! Lucy loves feeding Colt her "butter sandwiches" because it is like feeding a duck straight in his beak ;)
The cousins!!!!

Ummmm, does anyone thing this is a little excessive or is it just me? heck, you have one asian soy sauce and you've got them all no??? Oh, and Sam has 6 fridges that she uses on a daily basis (truck fridge, fruit fridge, beer fridge, kitchen fridge, drinks fridge, deep freeze -which I am counting as a fridge cos she uses it like one...) and of course they are not devoid of sauce bottles... this is just the overflow! (oh and 8 packets of open biscuits and I don't know how many flavours of cereal)

Colt-a-roo on the All Blacks chair
Aunty Mickey this one is for you :)

Dom spent 15 minutes trying to dress him in my tshirt... all his baby-caring skills are ummm rusty. But he was great on bath duty - Lucy and Colt had THE BEST TIME.

Dom and Houdini mid-wrestle with the tshirt. I have 15 other photos of him trying to get Colt into it.

The cuty beauty that is Colt (and his amber teething beads) xxxxx

1 comment:

A Girl Called Chuck said...

Oh, looks like fun and that baby is edible! So cute. Glad everyone is enjoying themselves. I would like to see pics of SAM at some point, but I guess seeing her pantry is pretty close.

About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!