Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bliss comes in a crockery dish

Oh wow. I just had american style macaroni and cheese, with bits of ham and I think some onion, and tomatos sliced on top. My lovely boss and his wife and 3 beautiful daughters just dropped by with flowers (lillies, my favourite) and a dish of food to go in the oven. We stood around the stove waiting for it to heat up a bit more (Okay, so I went outside and mowed the front lawn... but I kept checking to see if it was ready) and then we devoured it like a pack of seagulls on French Fries. It was AMAZING. I am *so glad* I know where it came from and can chain myself to their front door till I get the recipe!! (or more of the same... I teach one of his girls so maybe I can offer some serious Extra Credit in exchange for Mac'n'Cheese) Thirst is bad, really bad, especially when you are surrounded by beautiful bottles of spring water but you daren't open it, but being hungry is something else. We have nothing to eat in the house except the 72hr kit food and it does not appeal to any of us. Even the mindboggling stash of choccies are not calling my name. I wanted food. The last meal I had was ummmm 45 hours ago. Being the hard working wee soul that I am I didn't have a chance to eat lunch yesterday and then kaboom, natural disaster. In any case I had a small bowl of that cheesey gold and now I can't move. The back lawn is calling me but I just can't do it yet. I'd rather sit here in the shaking house and relive the last 5 minutes when I ate that amazing food. Now I know why Napoleon Dynamite gets so excited about it in "Benchwarmers".
Oh great, it is starting to rain again. I guess the back lawn will stay looking shaggy.
Dad is still asleep I think. He hasn't contacted me and I think text messages are still getting through.
When he left us he was going to try to get petrol. We offered him our two cars, which have full tanks, but he wanted to get petrol while there is petrol to be got (fingers crossed). Of course since he is in the Fire Service anyone will loan him their car to get him into work, but he likes to be independant.
As for how our street is doing. The neighbours are all gone, except one. The houses are empty. I'm quite happy about this because it means if I really need it, I can (cell phone ringing! it's dad)

1 comment:

kousalya said...

Hey, nice site you have here! Keep up the excellent work!


About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!