Saturday, February 19, 2011

French Farmers Market in Parnell, Auckland

It was heaven.
Maria didn't tell me where we were going, just that I would love it, that I should not eat a thing before we went and that I had to have plenty of cash
(She was not kidding. Croissants were $5 each)
When it dawned on me what this place was (you have no idea that you are about to hit a farmers market as it is tucked behind some warehouses in an industrial area) my heart started pounding and my knees were knocking.
French pasteries!
Farmers market fruits and vegetables!!
Maria being Maria, there were rules.
Well just one actually.
I wasn't allowed to buy anything until we had done a tour of the entire market.
She is soooo clever.
I tasted everything and when we finally made it back to my French baker
at the front of the market I was so full that I couldn't buy anything for myself.
Instead I stocked up on pasteries for my French students
(I was on my way to teach my North Island students for the whole of Saturday afternoon)
and then staggered back over to the Turkish stall and indulged in a few more olives
and some stuffed grape leaves. It was just too much for me to leave
without taking advantage of the Turkish baklava too - but being the friend she is,
Maria helped me out and shared it.
So, now this leaves me back in Christchurch with wonderful memories of an
incredible day... but plotting how to move back up there so every Saturday for the
rest of my life I can go to La Cigale, French Farmers Market at Parnell!

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About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!