Friday, February 25, 2011

Uh oh!

Someone is in trouble! My friend took some lovely food to a firestation at dinner time and one of the men was just going off shift and told her "they don't need it, they have food" so she took it home and called me. Then I got a call from Dad so I told him what happened and let me just say that guy that turned the food away is NOT a popular guy! The boys play jokes on each other a lot but this one did not go down well. Needless to say I ran the food into him... but the lesson here is don't stand between a firefighter and his dinner! The guys need hot meat dinners and lunches - and from now on we will have to better coordinate the drop off!

While I was in town waiting for the food to be put together (for another drop-off) I heard cheering every few minutes. It seems that the Americans were playing baseball with our Civil Defense boys. They can really throw a ball!

The people in the catering tent were working hard as usual. Everyone has a job to do and they are doing it. Some guys are organizing the drop off of pallets of food, others are sorting it into the cold storage and packaged food caravan, others are chopping and dicing, there is always a few buttering bread and washing dishes. There are teams of people serving food and picking up the tiniest bit of rubbish, and yet more people going around emptying rubbish bins into dumpsters. No one is idle and everyone is cheerful. I am trying to pretend this is all that goes on. I see the teams all suited up and walking out of the compound, and of course we see exhausted teams coming back in... totally filthy and haunted looking... but they shower and change and then come with big smiles and line up for food. People are amazing. Everyone I see is just so happy to give, work and share without getting anything back. You really can FEEL love, it is like a tangible substance that surrounds people and is easily shared. When I am working at Latimer Square I feel it so strongly that I want to just stay there all the time. Coming home is lovely because I have my beautiful children, but going there is also like being home.

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About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!