Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rescue teams are still pouring in from around the world

We are so blessed. We are getting rescue teams from around the world to help find people and reunite them with their families. Today they had huge steel pipes place in several buildings so the rescue teams could get in deeper to find bodies. I know many people will be thinking "just get in some cranes and rip the rubble off" but it isn't like that. There may be pockets of safety that are protecting someone (who has a water bottle on them), and they have to work carefully as we do not want to lose a rescue worker... So they are slowly inching in inside steel tubes... Here are a few pictures of new teams that I found online today (since I didn't go into Latimer Square) Taiwan... Remember the huge earthquake they had a few years back? These are experienced men and women.
Queensland, Australia (they have been here for a few days but I love this picture)

Mexico (you can only imagine they they have done this before...)

China (in real life, their suits are hot pink. Handy if you need to be found in rubble, and it sure sets you apart from the other teams). I was very surprised to find that these men are really tall. At least as tall as the Americans, way taller than the English and the Japanese and definately bigger than the boys from Singapoure. And *so polite*.
So while we wait and pray these people from around the world are attending to our dead. On Tuesday there will be 2 minutes silence.
Today I finally started crying for what is lost.

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About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!