Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dad's dinner

This is what Dad was given for dinner.... a "rat pack" from the NZ Army. Yes, you an see the tin foil poking thru. 6 bites of meat (unknown description) in a curry sauce, 2 pieces of potato (one seems to have a white sauce on it????) and either a piece of kumera or taro (I am really not sure). He did not take any out, or mess with it in any way... he open it before my eyes and I had the camera ready. It would not even be enough for Lucy.
And Army, curry and potatoes? REALLY????
Here is Dad with the kids (yes Chuck, Lucy is still letting Sebastien chose her clothes). Could you this this man eat THAT? No, I thought not.

So this is what I made for him and the lads for dinner; leg of lamb, brussel sprouts, roast potatoes, peas and carrots. Oh and real gravy. The little black things are garlic... I called Maria - best pork roast cook the world has ever known - for advice. She made me STAB it and poke the garlic bits in (it was inserting a suppository, and yes I've had to do that to people before)... no wonder I prefer to be vegetarian. AND she made me massage oil into it... anyway it turned out great according to Dad, and the dinner crisis was averted. Until tomorrow... So if anyone is reading this and wants to do something for the firemen, please, no more baking. They have muffins and scones (savoury, date, saltana, cheese etc) coming out their ears. When they refuel after 6-8 hours they don't want a muffin or a rat pack, they want/need meat. Burgers, roast dinner, casserole...
Oh, and Central fire station is being evacuated while I write this. It is comin' down. Being on the river and all it is no surprise - so don't freak out Sam and Jessica.

1 comment:

A Girl Called Chuck said...

Spew. The end.

You should put disclaimers if you're going to show dead animal parts so I know not to scroll down. Think of your #1 reader please!

About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!