Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 5 - Saturday

I just woke up. I've been back in town again today and I came home so tired that I passed out on the couch for an hour.
Today I've been back on dishes, onion slicing, bread buttering and general clean up. I also delivered hot food to firefighters at Central (on Kilmore St) and to a couple of outstations. Dad and the boys had to head back to their station to use the toilet (funny, I never thought about this before but they probably don't want to ask the locals if they can use their toilet) so we rendez-vous-ed there and they got to enjoy some sausages and bacon. I also left some baked goods, drinks, fruit and other snacks from the catering tent. I made another drop off at a station further out and all they had was 3 bottles of water, some V drinks and few ration packs from the army that they will never be able to take the time to heat. As usual they were (embarassingly) thankful. They just don't get it that the rest of us are SO greatful for what they are doing that we will offer them anything they want to keep them going. Some friends from Church have prepared more food for "the lads" which will be dropped off at dinner time. Thanks girls.
I'm doing well. My respiratory system is complaining about the concrete dust and silt I've been breathing in but other than that I'm fine. Every so often I remember that we will probably get more big earthquakes and I feel frightened for the safety of my children, but what can you do? We don't want to leave Christchurch. We love it here and our lives are here. In the back of my mind I feel that 20th March is tick-tocking along (that is when Ken Ring says the gravitational pull on this area of the world will trigger another big one, and he has been spookily right about these other earthquakes) and I can't wait for it to be over and done with. As Dad so sweetly pointed out, if I am going to worry about that then I should REALLY worry about 2012 when the Mayans say the planets will be in alignment and will start up worldwide choas of the natural-disaster variety. Great.
So instead I have a chuckle about Chuck's naked Korean spa day and look forward to news from her about that.


A Girl Called Chuck said...

Has it really only been 5 days? It feels like much longer you have been living this "new reality." Crazy, just crazy.

Your attitude and focus on helping (rather than just getting in bed and never leaving like I would want to) is inspirational. I will think about it all day while at the Korean spa in my birthday suit. :)


staciclaus said...

I was having all kinds of sympathy and admiration for you, Suzy, until you brought up the spa. Now all I can feel is envy.

About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!