Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stop worrying about my mental health everyone

Guys I'm fine! I really am! When I said there are worse things than death I didn't mean I am okay with dying. Heck no, I've got 3 kids and tons of stuff to do. I love my job. What I ment to say was that life has some risks and if living here means we might die because of an earthquake, then so be it. Moving away is not a miracle cure. If we go to Auckland we might be burnt up in a lava flow. If we go to Brisbane we'll be flooded to death. Montreal, well... there is SNOW there! I am not looking forward to the 20th March (next full moon, and the Moon Man says we are getting another big quake) but I'm not going to change my life because of this. I'll swerve big holes in the road, and I'll keep boiling water but I certainly will not stop parking in parking buildings or visiting the museum.

As for the kids. They are perfectly great. They are loving having time off school. Meg has got Dom to build her a new doll's house (and she is decorating it with homemade tables, patchwork quilts etc), Lucy and Sebas have build themselves bike jumps out of the liquifaction sand and are outside all day every day biking around. We had one small mishap when Seb built one so that you got some air and then had to swerve quickly or you would bike straight into the fence. Lucy didn't work that last part out and she slammed straight into the fence and she got off that bike MAD, she threw his bike aside and yelled "BAS! That was YOUR FAULT" but then she got her booboos kissed and she was right back at it.
Dom is at work. He had last week off so he could sort out our house, and now he is working again. He doesn't seem worried as much as he is annoyed at the extra work. But on the up side, I am feeding Dad and the boys at the fire station so he is getting all kinds of meat for dinner. Today I bought a leg of lamb (ugh, it was so gross to handle), yesterday was roast chicken... yer, he is lovin' it.
So, don't worry about us!

1 comment:

jsd said...

Hey Suzy,

I am rendered pretty speechless about all you are going through. I was so relieved to see you fb posts and know you were all okay.

I just wanted you to know that my whole family is thinking about you a lot and we are so very grateful that you are all okay -- I will show the girls pictures from your blog later today.

With love, Julie

About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!