Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm starting to feel a bit sad

Here are a few photos. I had a blog written but it decided to crash on me.
The pictures are just a few taken around home because I can't venture forth.
This is the kitchen floor. What you can't see is the tins all around my feet, and the broken plates I was standing on. I should point out that that vintage bread bin was on top of the cupboards and the rice cooker was in the pantry. Dom has closed the cupboards but as you can imagine they were all open and it was pretty empty in there. On the shelf on the wall I had my "glass sculpture" I changed it every day just for fun. I put anything on it that was glass. My vintage milk bottles are smashed, sigh. A few plain glasses are left and my lovely big glass mixing bowl, but the rest of the stuff (Nana's cake stand, vases etc) were all over the kitchen.
This picture is "post a little clean up" but I just wanted to show you the light fixture, and that my (needs to be painted) hutch has nothing left on it.

Yer... light fixture...

This is the wall behind Lucy's bed. That crack is typical of what is all over the place. It doesn't look as dramatic as it feels to know that the walls got somehow ripped like a piece of paper.

This is at M&F's house. As you can see they have liquifaction water pouring out the grill in their foundations (our houses aren't on concrete pads, they are sitting on foot high "foundations" that go around the base of the house, and are on little stump like "foundations" under the house. Everyone knows exactly where their foundations are now because they were either shoved up (and cause wee mole hills in your flooring so you can't open doors etc) or sunk down (and make a dip in the floor). This grill is so air can circulate under the house... not so water can flow out.

And this would be their driveway... The water just keeps coming and coming. It is still seeping up through the land.

1 comment:

Cami said...

Holy Cow, Suzy! I just checked your blog for the first time in awhile and can't believe it! Didn't you guys already have your share of natural disasters! I wish I could send you some clean water! And electricity. And food..... Why don't you guys come stay with us for while until things calm down? Hang in there! You're in our prayers!

About Me

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Our family of 5 currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love being here because of the weather, the clean water, Dad living 5 minutes from us, and our Ward. I miss my friends and family overseas and invite you all to come here for a holiday!